Debunking the Myth: OpenAI O1 is Not GPT-5

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ISA - The Intelligent Systems Assistant   904   2024-09-13

Introduction: Exploring OpenAI's Latest Innovations

Artificial intelligence is constantly evolving, with new AI systems emerging that expand the capabilities of machines. Recently, OpenAI, a prominent AI research organization, has introduced its latest creation: the o1 series of models. These reasoning models represent a significant advancement in AI's capacity to address complex problems, offering unique features that distinguish them from previous models.

As stated in OpenAI's announcement, the o1 models are designed to 'dedicate more time to contemplation before responding,' enabling them to handle intricate tasks with greater accuracy. This article will examine the characteristics of the OpenAI o1 and o1-mini models, address common misunderstandings, and consider their potential influence on various fields.

Introducing OpenAI's o1 and o1 Mini Models

Understanding o1

The OpenAI o1-preview is an innovative AI model that introduces a fresh approach to machine reasoning. Unlike the GPT models such as GPT 4o and GPT 4o Mini that offer rapid responses, o1 is engineered to engage in more comprehensive cognitive processes before generating output. This methodical strategy allows the model to excel in areas requiring in-depth analysis and problem-solving abilities.

One of the most remarkable achievements of the o1 model is its performance on challenging academic tasks. OpenAI reports:

In a qualifying exam for the International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO), GPT-4o successfully solved only 13% of problems, while the reasoning model achieved 83%.

This significant improvement highlights the o1 model's enhanced capabilities in addressing advanced mathematical challenges.

Examining o1 Mini

Alongside the primary o1 model, OpenAI has also launched o1-mini, a more compact version of the reasoning model. The o1-mini is created to provide similar reasoning capabilities but with improved speed and cost-efficiency. This makes it particularly suitable for applications that require quick thinking and effective problem-solving, especially in coding-related tasks.

According to OpenAI:

o1-mini is 80% less expensive than o1-preview, making it a powerful, cost-effective model for applications that require reasoning but not extensive world knowledge.

This balance of capability and efficiency creates new opportunities for developers and businesses seeking to incorporate advanced AI reasoning into their projects without incurring excessive costs.

Clearing Up Misconceptions: o1 is Not GPT

Distinguishing Between o1 and GPT Models

It's important to understand that the o1 series is not an extension or upgrade of the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) family of models. While both are developed by OpenAI, they serve different purposes and use distinct approaches to processing information and generating responses.

The main difference lies in their core functionalities. GPT models are designed for general language understanding and generation tasks, excelling in producing human-like text across a wide range of topics. In contrast, o1 models are specifically engineered for complex reasoning tasks, particularly in fields such as science, mathematics, and coding.

Another key distinction is in their approach to problem-solving. GPT models typically generate responses based on patterns learned from their training data. On the other hand, o1 models employ a chain of thought approach, systematically working through problems step-by-step, similar to how a human might reason through a complex issue.

Clarifying o1's Relationship to GPT-5 and GPT-4

There has been some confusion in the AI community regarding the relationship between o1 and the GPT series. It's important to clarify that o1 is neither GPT-5 nor a precursor to GPT-4. These are separate model architectures designed for different purposes.

OpenAI emphasizes:

o1 isn't a successor to gpt-4o. Don't just substitute it—you might even want to use gpt-4o in combination with o1's reasoning capabilities.

This statement underscores the complementary nature of these models, suggesting that they can be used together to achieve optimal results in various AI applications.

The Distinctive Features of o1 and o1 Mini

The o1 series introduces several innovative features that set it apart from other AI models:

  • Advanced Reasoning Capabilities: The o1 models excel in tasks requiring deep analytical thinking, making them particularly effective in scientific, mathematical, and coding domains.
  • Chain of Thought Processing: These models utilize a step-by-step reasoning approach, allowing for more transparent and explainable decision-making processes.
  • Enhanced Safety Features: OpenAI reports that a significant improvement in safety testing demonstrates OpenAI's commitment to developing more secure and reliable AI systems.
  • Specialized Problem-Solving: The o1 models are particularly adept at handling complex problems in specific domains, making them valuable tools for researchers, educators, and professionals in technical fields.

 On one of our most challenging security tests, GPT-4o scored 22 (on a scale of 0-100) while our o1-preview model scored 84.

The o1-mini model, while sharing many of these features, is optimized for speed and cost-effectiveness. This makes it an attractive option for developers and businesses looking to integrate advanced reasoning capabilities into their applications without the need for extensive computational resources.

Primary FocusComplex reasoning tasksEfficient reasoning for specific applications
CostStandard80% cheaper than o1-preview
Ideal Use CasesAdvanced scientific and mathematical problemsCoding tasks and applications requiring quick reasoning
World KnowledgeExtensiveLimited, focused on task-specific knowledge

Key Points to Remember

As we conclude our exploration of OpenAI's o1 models, let's summarize the main points:

  • Innovative Approach: The o1 series represents a new direction in AI, focusing on enhanced reasoning abilities rather than general language processing.
  • Specialized Capabilities: These models excel in complex problem-solving, particularly in science, mathematics, and coding.
  • Different from GPT: o1 is not a successor to or variant of the GPT series, but a separate model architecture with its own unique features.
  • Safety Advancements: The o1 models demonstrate significant improvements in AI safety, an important consideration in the development of powerful AI systems.
  • Two Options: With o1-preview and o1-mini, OpenAI offers solutions for both high-end complex reasoning tasks and more cost-effective, specialized applications.


The introduction of the o1 and o1-mini models marks a significant step forward in the development of artificial intelligence. These new AI systems showcase OpenAI's dedication to expanding the boundaries of machine reasoning and problem-solving capabilities.

As OpenAI continues to explore the potential of these models, we can expect to see innovative applications across various fields, from scientific research to software development. The o1 series not only represents a significant advancement in AI capabilities but also highlights the importance of specialized AI models designed for specific, complex tasks.

While the full impact of these models is yet to be determined, their introduction opens up exciting possibilities for advancing our understanding of AI reasoning and its practical applications. Moving forward, it will be crucial to observe how these models are integrated into various industries and how they contribute to addressing some of the most challenging problems facing our world today.

Article Summaries


OpenAI's o1 and o1-mini are new AI reasoning models designed to handle complex problems with greater accuracy. They dedicate more time to contemplation before responding, unlike GPT models that offer rapid responses.

o1 models are specifically engineered for complex reasoning tasks in fields like science, mathematics, and coding, while GPT models are designed for general language understanding and generation tasks.

The o1 model significantly outperforms GPT-4o in complex reasoning tasks. For example, in a qualifying exam for the International Mathematics Olympiad, o1 solved 83% of problems compared to GPT-4o's 13%.

The o1-mini is a compact version of the o1 model, designed to provide similar reasoning capabilities with improved speed and cost-efficiency, making it suitable for applications that require quick thinking and effective problem-solving.

Yes, OpenAI reports significant improvements in safety testing for o1 models. On one of their most challenging security tests, the o1-preview model scored 84 out of 100, compared to GPT-4o's score of 22.

Yes, OpenAI suggests that o1 models can be used in combination with GPT models like gpt-4o to achieve optimal results in various AI applications.

The o1-mini model is 80% less expensive than o1-preview, making it a more cost-effective option for applications requiring reasoning capabilities.

Key features include advanced reasoning capabilities, chain of thought processing, enhanced safety features, and specialized problem-solving abilities, particularly in scientific, mathematical, and coding domains.

No, o1 models are neither successors to nor variants of GPT-5 or GPT-4. They are separate model architectures designed for different purposes.

o1 models could potentially advance scientific research, software development, and problem-solving in complex fields, opening up new possibilities for AI applications across various industries.