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Ada 002

  • Context Window: 8,191
  • TPM: 1,000,000
  • RPM: 5,000
  • Embedding Size: 1,536

Text search, Code search, Sentence similarity, Text classification

Ada 002

Ada 002 embedding is a powerful tool in natural language processing, offering remarkable efficiency in transforming text into numerical vectors. This model excels at capturing the nuanced relationships between words and phrases, enabling machines to understand language context with unprecedented accuracy.

The compact yet expressive nature of Ada 002 embeddings makes them ideal for a wide range of applications. From semantic search engines to content recommendation systems, this model enhances the performance of various AI-driven tasks. Its ability to represent complex linguistic information in a concise format is particularly valuable in scenarios where computational resources are at a premium.

Key features of Ada 002 embedding include:

  • High-dimensional vector representations for improved semantic capture.
  • Efficient processing for rapid text analysis and transformation.
  • Versatility in handling diverse language tasks and domains.
  • Compatibility with various machine learning frameworks and applications.


CogniTech AI Credits

Below you will find all supported platforms and the related CogniTech AI Credits costs.

Azure OpenAI Service Credits

Region Context TPM RPM Input Credits Output Credits
Region Context TPM RPM Input Credits Output Credits
eastus2 8,190 350,000 2,100 0 / 1000 tokens 0.013 / 1000 tokens
uksouth 8,190 350,000 2,100 0 / 1000 tokens 0.013 / 1000 tokens