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Amazon Titan Text Premier

  • Context Window: 32,000
  • TPM: 300,000
  • RPM: 100
  • Embedding Size: NA

Text generation, Summarization, Code generation, Data formatting, Paraphrasing, Chain of thought, Rewriting, Extraction, Q&A, RAG, Chat

Amazon Titan Text Premier

Amazon Titan Text Premier represents the pinnacle of advanced text processing within the Titan Text family. Engineered to provide top-tier performance and unparalleled accuracy, this model is designed for a wide range of enterprise applications. Titan Text Premier stands out for its ability to handle complex and demanding text-related tasks with exceptional results, making it an ideal solution for organizations aiming for excellence in text processing.

This model leverages cutting-edge technology to deliver enhanced performance in various applications, including text generation, summarization, and code generation. It is particularly well-suited for tasks requiring high precision and speed, such as data formatting and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). The Titan Text Premier model is optimized to support diverse and intricate use cases, ensuring organizations can achieve their objectives efficiently and effectively.

Supported formats and functionalities of Titan Text Premier include open-ended text generation, brainstorming, summarization, code generation, table creation, data formatting, paraphrasing, chain of thought, rewriting, extraction, Q&A, retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), and chat. This comprehensive set of capabilities positions Titan Text Premier as a versatile and powerful tool for enterprise-level text processing needs.

Supported Formats:

  • Open-ended Text Generation
  • Brainstorming
  • Summarization
  • Code Generation
  • Table Creation
  • Data Formatting
  • Paraphrasing
  • Chain of Thought
  • Rewriting
  • Extraction
  • Q&A
  • Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)
  • Chat

Amazon Titan Text Premier is a leading choice for organizations requiring high-performance text processing solutions. Its advanced capabilities and precision ensure that it meets the most demanding text generation and analysis needs, supporting the development of sophisticated and effective enterprise applications.

CogniTech AI Credits

Below you will find all supported platforms and the related CogniTech AI Credits costs.

AWS Bedrock Credits

Region Context TPM RPM Input Credits Output Credits
Region Context TPM RPM Input Credits Output Credits
us-east-1 128,000 300,000 100 0.065 / 1000 tokens 0.195 / 1000 tokens