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Comprehend Targeted Sentiment

  • Context Window: 0
  • TPM: 0
  • RPM: 0
  • Embedding Size: NA

Target Entity Sentiment Analysis

Comprehend Targeted Sentiment

Amazon Comprehend Targeted Sentiment Analysis is a sophisticated tool that allows businesses to gain deeper insights into specific entities mentioned within text. This advanced feature goes beyond general sentiment analysis by pinpointing the emotional tone associated with individual subjects, providing a nuanced understanding of opinions and attitudes.

With Comprehend Targeted Sentiment Analysis, you can extract valuable information about how customers perceive your products, competitors, or industry trends. The system categorizes sentiment into four distinct categories:

  • Positive: Indicating favorable opinions or emotions.
  • Neutral: Suggesting impartial or balanced views.
  • Negative: Highlighting unfavorable or critical sentiments.
  • Mixed: Representing complex or conflicting emotions.

CogniTech AI Credits

Below you will find all supported platforms and the related CogniTech AI Credits costs.

Amazon Comprehend Credits

Region Context TPM RPM Input Credits Output Credits
Region Context TPM RPM Input Credits Output Credits
eu-central-1 0 0 0 0.013 / 1 unit (100 characters) 0 / 1 unit (100 characters)
eu-west-1 0 0 0 0.013 / 1 unit (100 characters) 0 / 1 unit (100 characters)